Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ending Semester

It's that time of the semester where things start to wind down and get incredibly insane. I have set goals for myself this year, wanting to get my gpa up and improving my portfolio in general. Things are different for me in photography. I went from being mainly a digital self taught person with minimal darkroom experience. That class at PA was completely ridiculous and almost a waste of time.

I now have different ways of doing things. I have learned a lot. You can take pictures with film and then scan them. This is really helpful sometimes because medium format cameras have big negatives, therefore bigger enlargements. Its pretty neat. I love learning new things. I feel a little bit better in the darkroom but Im still learning.

I have a lot of things to do in the next two weeks.

  • Extra Credit for Digital photo
  • ec for womens studies due tomorrow
  • ec paper for elements of design due Dec 4th
  • Study for Women's Studies Final Exam Dec 5th
  • edit and finish artist paper for digital photo Dec 5th
  • photoshoot with kerry
  • pictures from photoshoot, develop film and process prints
  • Actual final for darkroom is due by the 7th, matted
  • Finish editing, possibly reshoot for more pics for my digital final portfolio
  • final crit for digital, Dec 10th

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