Sunday, October 19, 2008

Luke Update

Sir Luke is now six months. He is crawling. He has some hair. Has teeth coming in. He walks when he can hold on to things and can even stand up all by himself...and falls moments later.


You will meet him someday soon I hope.

He chews on everything. lol. Even the coffee table.


My favorite shot from a shoot I just had with a good friend of mine.

I stumbled upon this shot because originally I was using even lighting. I had the background lit and I had her lit from the front. I noticed when my strobes went off that there were really cool shadows on her face and body in between. So I turned off the light lighting her and just shot with the background light and what happened to spill on to her body/face, creating a really nice sort of silhouette and interesting shadows.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

miss you

Hey babydoll. I just mailed you something. It should be there within a few days. Nothing too crazy but I know you will like it. We need to keep in touch more often. Lets start posting in here again. Especially recent work. <3